Rusia a declarat joi stare de urgenţă la nivel federal din cauza unei scurgeri de ţiţei cauzate de două petroliere ruseşti în Marea Neagră, a transmis Ministerul pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă. Petrolierele au fost lovite de o furtună pe 15 decembrie. Unul s-a rupt în două, iar celălalt a eşuat. Scurgerile rezultate au acoperit plajele […]
Russia has declared a state of emergency due to an oil spill in the Black Sea caused by two Russian oil tankers that were hit by a storm. The spill has covered beaches and harmed wildlife.
Russia has declared a state of emergency due to an oil spill in the Black Sea caused by two Russian oil tankers that were hit by a storm. The spill has covered beaches and harmed wildlife.